El Problema de las Drogas en América

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Autor: OEA
The Analytical Report
presented in this volume synthesizes the studies ?
which are also published as annexes – carried out by high-level professionals dur

ing the second half of 2012. It is divided into 10 Chapters, starting with a defini

tion of the problem and an explanation of how it will be examined. The analysis
itself begins in Chapter 2 with a look at the reasons that led society to concern
itself with the use of certain substances and to decide to control them, in other words the effects of drugs on human health. Recognizing that this necessary choice triggered the illicit economic activity designed to satisfy the demand for banned substances, we devote Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6 to a detailed study of how, in our region, controlled substances are cultivated, produced, distributed and sold. In undertaking that study, we examined the volume of activity, its various manifestations, its environmental impact, and the State?s response to it, including the consequences and limitations of that response.

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